You’re Invited! Please come and help me celebrate!
Leanne Regalla’s”Reluctant Rockstar” CD Release Party & 7 Years in Business Bash! Sunday November 27 2:30-7:30 PM Harmony Ridge (the old Ambridge Country Club) 1280 Breitenstein Rd., Ambridge PA 15003 724-266-2414
Just $7 gets you a GREAT afternoon of music and fun for the whole family! (Kids under 12 free)
or …Pay What You May –If dollars are tight, COME ANYWAY and pay what you can! I’d rather see YOU!
7 great musical performances
$7 CD special (event only -regular $10)
Snacks and munchies or order off the menu
Crazy Rockin’ Sock Monkey Giveaways!
Featuring Music by –
Frank Piscopo – Entertaining and engaging storytelling songs
Kevin McCarthy – Fun and funky acoustic
Corned Beef and Curry Band – Classic Rock, Trop Rock & Irish to knock your socks off!
The Up-and-Comers – Leanne’s students Emma and Heather-Awesomeness!
Leanne Regalla – Upbeat, humorous and clever acoustic rock storytelling
Dallas Marks Band – Closing out the show with high energy Southern Rock, Country, & Rock-n-Roll
RSVP – Email leanne@livinoutloudmusic.com or call 412-269-0846
LISTEN TO A CD PREVIEW – www.leanneregalla.bandcamp.com
IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT – watch on Livestream the day of the show or at your leisure! www.Livestream.com/ReluctantRockstar
Thanks to each of you for your support and friendship over the years! Looking forward to many more!