FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Songwriter Celebrates 40-Foot Rubber Duck With Music Video

Love, heartbreak, summertime, and partying are all pretty standard songwriting fodder. But a song about a duck?
“I have an interesting approach to songwriting. I just think a little differently,” says local musician and teacher Leanne Regalla.
She wrote “I’m Just Ducky” in 2012 as a lighthearted tune about letting troubles just roll off you, like water rolls off ducks.
“I started writing songs for my second CD. People really liked ‘Ducky’ so I recorded it first, with plans to release it as a single as I finished up the rest of the album.”
Then the rubber duck came to Pittsburgh.
“I actually didn’t put two and two together at first. My mom suggested that my song could be the theme song for the giant Pittsburgh rubber duck. I mentioned the idea to another musician friend and he said, ‘do it!’ ”
Leanne decided to produce a video so that she could make it a gift to the city. She began asking for pictures of people with the giant duck and within a few days had well over 80 photos submitted. Local magician David Lawrence offered to provide clips of magic tricks using a rubber duck. “It really just fell together,” said Leanne.
Leanne contributes ukulele, guitar, and vocals to the single. She is accompanied by Andy Taravella on drums and Gary Ripper on bass. The audio was recorded by Dave Granati at Dave World Studios in Ambridge.
The video was released on October 15, is getting great response, and already has almost 800 views. You can see it for yourself here. “I’m Just Ducky” Pittsburgh Rubber Duck video Leanne Regalla -http://youtu.be/4ek4gJSwkgU
The duck will be floating in Pittsburgh rivers until October 20.